Tenfourfox dev blog
Tenfourfox dev blog

tenfourfox dev blog

All of this kept Firefox 45, our optimal platform base, useful for far longer than the sell-by date and made it an important upstream source for other legacy browsers ( including, incredibly, OS/2).

tenfourfox dev blog

There are also innumerable backported bug fixes throughout major portions of the browser which repair long-standing issues. Over the decade TenFourFox has existed, we also implemented our own native date and time controls, basic ad block, advanced Reader View (including sticky and automatic features), additional media support (MP3, MP4 and WebP), additional features and syntax to JavaScript, and AltiVec acceleration in whatever various parts of the browser we could. Our implementation even lets you manipulate webpages that may not work properly to function usefully. We also finished a couple features long planned for mainline Firefox but that never made it, such as our AppleScript (and AppleScript-JavaScript bridge) support.


TenFourFox was the first and still one of the few browsers on PowerPC Mac OS X to support TLS 1.3 (or even 1.2), and we are the only such browser with a JavaScript JIT. I'm also proud of the fair number of TenFourFox features that were successfully backported or completely new.


Kaiser's full post is long, but it's worth a read for vintage-computer enthusiasts or anyone who works on software-Kaiser expresses frustration with the realities of developing and supporting a niche app, but he also highlights TenFourFox's impressive technical achievements and ruminates on the nature of the modern Internet and open source software development, saying: The final planned release of TenFourFox was earlier this month. And in March of this year, Kaiser announced that TenFourFox updates would be ending after over a decade of development. And amazingly, the browser has continued to trundle on ever since.īut continuing to backport Firefox features to aging, stuck-in-time PowerPC processors only got more difficult as time went on. Maintained primarily by Cameron Kaiser, the TenFourFox project sprang up in late 2010 after Mozilla pulled PowerPC support from Firefox 4 during its development. One of those projects was TenFourFox, a fork of the Firefox browser for G3, G4, and G5-based PowerPC Macs running Mac OS X 10.4 or 10.5. Further Reading My coworkers made me use Mac OS 9 for their (and your) amusement

Tenfourfox dev blog