Gideros get height and width of image
Gideros get height and width of image

gideros get height and width of image

If any of you guys have achieved a 2D game with clear rendered sprites (HQ) on all screen sizes, I would very much like to clone into a project where that is achieved, to analyse your settings, sprites, png(?) files, camera settings etc. I'm still very puzzled with this issue, and it caused me a lot of headache. Screen snip for comparison (holy s**t that sharpness) You see, this fish is even way more sharp than what I on first posted image called "acceptable" - this is "ideal" I have made sure the fish is the same size on the screen each time (~3cm wide), and the camera have been same distance from the screen (10cm). Now I'm gonna show you how the quality of the fish looks in photshop compared to unity. No fish quality is acceptable with this setup This time I resized to game view to the size of a smartphone, again, my laptop dpi is close to a semi high res smartphone Unity game view is relatively large here approximately the size of an iPad screen, and my laptops dpi is also very close to an ipad (air)ģrd fish is acceptable with these setting + screen sizeĢ. First shot, is in unity 3 different sprites (PNG), fist one is very high resolution (1000p x 1000p), but scaled down within unity (0.3), 2nd one 50% resolution scaled 0.6, last one 33% resolution scaled 1:1. I have also included screen shots for comparison.ġ. To visually display my concern, I have taken some shots of my screen with a real camera so you can see it as I see it. achieve perfect 2D rendering no matter if your are on phone, HD phone, tabled, and so on? Not only those, I have seen apps made in unity that are more like a "GUI app" than a game, where the developer have clear shapes, clear text, clear everything no matter what device i run their app on. How does games like angry bird, jetpack joyride. However, as soon as I resize the game view my sprite becomes either blury or pixelated. I have tried to follow (among many other) this guide: And I have achieved to make my sprite look somewhat 1:1 clear rendered at a certain screen size (game view size). Most posts use an 8-bit like pixelated game type as example, but I want the opposite, I want my sprites rendered HQ 1:1 I have googled, and read tons of forum posts, but still haven't been able to solve my problem.

gideros get height and width of image

I want to make a game where the player sprite is rendered 1:1 pixel on every device. This time I have decided to implement only the most basic game mechanics and then focus on getting the graphic right before shaping the game play. Hello, I have over the last two years tried to solve 2D graphic issues with no luck, and never finished any 2D projects for that reason. Why is unity 2D orthographic camera and sprite rendering so difficult to get right?

Gideros get height and width of image